Automations for AdvancedMD Users

qbSolutioneers now provides a direct and automated integration between AdvancedMD and QuickBooks.

This means having all your financial data from AdvancedMD, directly shared to your QuickBooks.

Currently, the manual work required (without an automated integration from AdvancedMD to QuickBooks) is expensive, slow, tedious, and prone to error. But with our integration to QuickBooks, you can easily identify discrepancies and quickly take action to rectify them while saving a considerable amount of labor.

You Can Expect:

Income from AdvancedMD to QuickBooks will be:

  • Summarized (Daily) by CPT, HCPCS & Adjustment Codes
  • Reportable by Department, Specialty or Other Preference 

Payments from AdvancedMD to QuickBooks will be:

  • Detailed by Payment Method (Cash, Credit Card or ACH/Check)
  • Summarized by Payment Identification (Check Number, Credit Card Type)

Both Operational & Financial Reporting Improvements that include:

  • E-Remittance (EOB) to Bank Statement Reconciliation
  • Recovery of Lost or Missing Payments (even the ones you didn’t know were missing)
  • Access to Revenue Analytics within 24 hours of Entry Date
  • Enhanced Reporting for Departmental or Specialization
  • Making Budgeting and Managing Your Operation a reasonable task (No more typing spread sheets and doing manual data entry)

How We Do It:

Review & Evaluation

We will review your current process, evaluate what your automation needs are and explore the use of your current applications.

Design & Implementation

We will create a blueprint to demonstrate your personalized workflow for a better financial and operational process that advances your business forward.

Monitoring & Maintenance

Once your automations are in place, we’ll monitor and manage them for cloud or server interruptions, software updates and other techie stuff.


Automated Data Transfer (from “AdvancedMD to QuickBooks”) that posts daily.

Dependable and Consistent Transference (no days off and no keying errors).

HIPPA compliant (no patient data is reviewed or transferred to QuickBooks).

A managed, secure, cloud-based application, managed and monitored by our service team. 

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